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Spirit Rock Development Review Spirit Rock Meditation Center is located on 410 acres in rural San Geronimo Valley in unincorporated Marin County. The property is zoned Agricultural, A-20 (1 unit per 20 acres) and features both MALT easments, Dedicated Open space, wetlands areas, open grasslands, mixed Oak forest and tributaries to San Geronimo Creek. Environemental issues include slides, 100ft creek and wetlands buffer zones, ridgeline & valley floor views, high groundwater table, traffic impacts, intensive use of facilities and septic system siting and performance. In 1988, San Geronimo Valley residents agreed to the Insight Meditation West (later renamed Spirit Rock for the local landmark rock and oak tree formation on the property) small development of a silent meditation and Buddhist educational retreat. Specific limits were agreed to and placed in the Master Development Plan to ensure protection of sensitive environmental areas and to preserve the rural character of the SG Valley. There is a current proposal filed with the County Planning Department for "Phase II" of development of the Spirit Rock property. This new Plan dramatically increases the development of buildings, property uses and by inference: attendance numbers. A coalition of environmental groups is currently meeting to review the materials to determine the appropriateness of the proposal. Below are two original planning documents with findings and mandates governing the Spirit Rock property. DEVELOPMENT Spirit Rock - Master Development Plan - 1988 (PDF 4mb download) Spirit Rock - Precise Development Plan, Phase II - 1991 (PDF 3.2mb download) Precise Development Plan, Phase III - 1995 (PDF 2.6mb download) NOTE: there was no attendance changes in Phase III - it remains at Phase II levels. The current Proposal and 10 supplemental reports are available for viewing in the Planning Dept, room 308, Civic Center, San Rafael. SEPTIC SYSTEM Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) NEW 2008 Waste Discharge Permit - OVERVIEW RWQCB Self Monitoring Plan for Spirit Rock (addendum to 2008 Discharge Permit)
Watershed Preservation Network ~ PO Box 8, San Geronimo, CA 94963 ~ Email: